Hey, Tired Parent -I See You
You love your little one more than anything, but the broken nights, endless wake-ups, and sheer exhaustion?
That part? Not so much.
Most parents believe they have two choices: either endure years of sleepless nights or turn to sleep training. But for you, secure attachment isn’t just a parenting philosophy—it’s a core value.
And the idea of letting your little one cry it out? That’s a hard no.
Trust me, I've been there.
But what if there was a third way?
One where you deeply understand what your child truly needs to sleep soundly—without breaking trust, letting them cry it out, or leaving them to ‘self-soothe’—and without spending hours each night rocking, feeding, or holding them, only to have them wake up 2 hours later.
One where you become so attuned to your baby’s emotional world that you know exactly how to support them—not just for better sleep, but for a lifetime of security, connection, and emotional intelligence.
To help you break free from sleepless nights, get your baby sleeping soundly, and show you how to reclaim your evenings—because you deserve to feel rested too.
But don't just take my word for it—scroll down to watch and read the stories of parents who’ve been exactly where you are… and discovered a whole new way forward.
With Over a Decade of Coaching Experience,
Nik’s Expertise Has Been Featured In:

Sleep Doesn’t Have to Be a Struggle—See What’s Possible for Your Family
How releasing emotions helped Amy’s 8-month-old baby sleep 5-6 hours straight
"I was beyond exhausted. My baby woke up every 2-3 hours—sometimes every hour! I tried everything, but nothing worked. I felt stuck in a cycle of breastfeeding all night just to get her back to sleep.
After working with Nik last week, four out of the last seven nights, she has slept from five to six hours straight and just had one to two wakings a night, which is incredible. Every day that we’ve managed to follow the protocol we established, I’ve completely seen the difference, and it’s been amazing.
Before, it felt like I hadn’t slept at all. But now, I feel rested.”
“Every evening felt like a battle. My baby would fuss and cry, and nothing I did seemed to help. I tried everything—feeding, bouncing, shushing—but the fussiness continued.
I would try different things to control the situation, but nothing seemed to settle him. I started questioning myself—was it something I was eating? Was my milk harming him? What was I doing wrong?
Ella uncovered something crucial—her son wasn’t struggling with digestion or needing to be ‘soothed.’ He needed to release tension and accumulated feelings so his body could truly relax.
"Working with Nik gave me the confidence to sit with my child's discomfort rather than rushing to stop the crying.
I feel confident and empowered that I'm supporting my son in a really healthy way to be able to express all of his emotions.
I would notice a big difference after he had a release. He came back with this new awareness and calmness."
From Hourly Wake-Ups to Peaceful Co-Sleeping;
How Sara’s Baby Stopped Using her as a Pacifier and Slept longer stretches.
"When you read the books you can learn some of this theory, but implementing it can be quite hard because it's emotional. Seeing your baby cry, you're obviously there with them and holding space for them, but if you're having a lot of feelings about it, and you want validation from other people who get it."
What I enjoyed and thought was unique about the session was the background and training you have. You were able to provide me with time and space to visit my own emotions and perhaps blocks that I'd experienced in the past that were influencing the way I was parenting Rafi or potentially getting in the way."
Tugce tried everything—rocking, bouncing, white noise, even a blow dryer—but her 7-month-old baby still wouldn’t nap. He whined and cried throughout the day, his body tense and constantly moving, even in her arms. Nothing worked until she discovered the real reason he was unable to sleep.
Once she started supporting him in releasing pent-up feelings, his body finally relaxed, he napped longer and woke up calm and content.
"I tried so many things to make him sleep, like the white sounds, rocking him, hairdryer, and many others. Sometimes it was working, sometimes it was not, so I knew every time that it was just a coincidence.
I’d lay down next to him for sleep but if I moved he’d immediately awake. I could see he was sleepy but he just couldn’t sleep.”
After weeks of struggling to breastfeed, Reka discovered how unprocessed emotions and birth trauma were affecting both her and her baby—after just one session of processing their feelings, her baby latched effortlessly for the first time, and sleep also improved.
"I was desperate. My baby wouldn’t latch, every feed took over an hour, and I was exhausted. I tried everything—nipple shields, pumping, formula—but nothing worked. I was barely sleeping, and neither was my baby. I felt completely helpless…"
Joy’s 2-year-old toddler was waking all night and hitting his newborn baby brother—until she made one powerful shift that transformed his sleep and behavior.
" This process works, and it's the only process and support that I've seen that is really healing you as a parent and healing the next generations to come because it's that powerful.
It's going to create more compassion and understanding for these little beings and it's going to change your perception and you look at your child.
It will break you open to so many new possibilities for connection with your children than you could ever imagine. "

"Yesterday I started to watch your Aware Parenting with Babies class and I felt so not alone, so lucky to hear your story...it brought me back to my birth experience and healed something in me."
Tugce - mom of a 7-month-old baby boy
Exhausted from constant wake-ups, Taya discovered a surprisingly simple approach that helped her 2.5-month-old baby sleep 8 hours straight.
“I listened to my baby for a whole hour—he really had a lot to release. And that night, for the first time, he slept for 8 hours straight. It was amazing to see how much lighter and more relaxed he was afterward.”
Geff dreaded the night shift, feeling helpless and anxious— until he stopped trying to ‘fix’ the cause of the crying, and started listening to his son's feelings. His baby immediately became more peaceful and slept better."
" At night, my baby was uncomfortable, and I didn’t know what to do. I felt helpless, ashamed, lost, and anxious. Every time it was my turn for the night shift, I could feel the anxiety creeping in hours before. I didn’t know how to help my baby, and it felt really disempowering.
Sleep transformation - a baby who 'refused' to nap

"I tried the approach you recommended right after our session, I listened to him for 10 minutes. Then he slept for 45 minutes - it was a very productive time for me.
Today I felt he was more relaxed and calm and we had a real intimate moment together in the way he related to me."
Mom of a 7-month-old baby boy who was struggling with daytime naps and sleep

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Emily Flowers
PR Lead at SwiftShop
Rina discovered that her parenting triggers with her teenage daughter were rooted in her own childhood, and by uncovering them, she shifted from frustration to a deeper connection with her daughter—creating more awareness, patience, and a transformed relationship.
"I used to get so triggered by my teenage daughter. She would do something small, and suddenly, I felt like I was a teenager again—angry, defensive, and reacting instead of guiding. I wanted to connect with her, but instead, I was pushing her away and I ended up feeling guilty.
After the work we did together, I felt like I had more gap, between the triggers and thoughts that arose and my actions. I feel inspired and content. "
Mother feels empowered with her toddler again

"Working with Nik has been so supportive to my nervous system. We first started working together after I had returned from an overseas solo trip. After this time alone, I was having a hard time coming back to family life and speaking toddler, so Nik helped me put my mom hat back on.
Even after just a couple of conversations, I noticed a complete shift in how I started showing up and responding. I felt refreshed, reminded of how toddlers express themselves and why. She got me back on track with some of the things that I already knew but had forgotten because I was out of practice and out of touch.
I'm feeling really good with my kid right now and grateful for Nik’s presence and attunement.”
Mother of a 2.5 year-old toddler

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
Emily Flowers
PR Lead at SwiftShop

Hey mama, I'm Nik
I help parents of babies and young children understand and tackle common behavioral and sleep challenges from an emotional perspective.
In addition to Aware Parenting, I bring over a decade of experience in NLP, somatic coaching, and subconscious reprogramming. These approaches complement my work by helping parents identify and release unconscious limiting beliefs and emotional blocks that may be preventing them from showing up as the parents they aspire to be.
I support parents with:
Sleep issues (including frequent wakings, unpredictable & ‘micro naps’)
Diagnosis of Colic
Birth trauma
Behavior issues (such as biting, hitting, hyperactivity etc)
Sibling rivalry
Subconscious blocks that impact parenting
Supporting (HSC) highly sensitive children
And so much more.
I help parents foster secure attachments and raise emotionally intelligent, connected, and cooperative children—all in a way that’s fun!
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